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7 Tricks to Survive Social Distancing

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Raise your hand if you're now working from home or homeschooling kids or, like most of us, both.🙋‍♀️If you're like us you are missing the days of normalcy.  Here's what we've learned in the last week and a few survival tips to help you gain a sense of routine and normal life...
    1. 🛀Shower. Rinse off the day. It will make you feel so good.
    2. 👗Get dressed. You may have loved living in your sweats last week, but it's time to get dressed Townies. This is not the person you are. You are much more productive when you feel good about yourself. Put on those outfits you love and handle it.
    3. 🚴‍♀️Set an alarm for breaks to move. Do not be sedentary. Walk the dog. Take a lap around the block. Ride your bike. Breathe in some fresh air. Your back will thank you and so will your jeans.
    4. 🎤Turn off the Covid-19 news and turn on some music. LOUD. The vibe in your house will change. Sing, clean, have a dance party, play games, but please, please just put some music on. Trust me.
    5. 🥦Put down the Oreos. Your carb loading week is over. Get back to your normal eating habits. It's healthier and keeps your immune system strong. And stop snacking all day. Take a walk instead. You're not hungry, you're just bored.
    6. 🍷Ask your besties for a FaceTime or Zoom Happy Hour. We did this yesterday and we laughed for 2 hours solid. We played a game called "Show Me Your Fridge" 😂Seeing your friends will be good for your soul.
    7. 🛍Shop Online in preparation of emerging. We are online open and will continue shipping as long as we can. Your future self will thank you when you emerge from quarantine in style!
Have any suggestions for our community! Comment your ideas for social sanity below!
Love you Townies!! Stay save and healthy! 
Kim & Jenn
family quarantine social distancing social isolation stay home tips to survive

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